Healing the Wounded Heartby Dan Allender An excellent resource from a Christian perspective for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. The workbook by the same name is also helpful. Because it is oriented at times toward the counselor as well as the abuse survivor it can be a bit academic in its presentation, but it still remains one of the best books of this kind for the Christian.
Healing the Shame That Binds You by John Bradshaw Bradshaw's insights into toxic shame and the healing process are excellent. Though he comes from a Catholic background, this book is not written from a Christian perespective. It still provides some of the most insightful understanding of sexual abuse and its consequences and of the requirements for healing.
Bradshaw on the Family by John Bradshaw Offers an insightful understanding of the dynamics of dysfunctional family systems.
Both Bradshaw books have been around for a long time but still offer some of the most helpful understandings of the issues of abuse, abandonment and wounded families.
Other books and resources will be regularly added to this page.