Would you refuse the invitation of the queen of England to join her for tea? Sadhu Sunder Singh received such an invitation and declined. He was born in India, son of very wealthy parents. He had a hatred of Christian missionaries, but his parents sent him to a mission school because it provided the best education available there. As a lad he searched for peace. Having found no peace, he began to read the New Testament, the same book he had tried earlier to destroy. And the truth from the book, God’s Word, changed his life. He gave up all his earthly possessions and set out bare-footed, New Testament in hand, to proclaim the Good News to the world. “The Apostle of bleeding feet” knew no geographical limitations. When he traveled to London, the queen invited him to tea, but he politely excused himself telling the queen that his time was needed so that he might proclaim the Gospel to 2,000 people and introduce them to the King of kings. The world cannot understand such action – that this man would turn down the honor, the privilege, the recognition, so that he could preach to beggars. Such is the faith of our fathers.