The Dayspring Book Clubs are designed to stretch our thinking about our faith and how we see our journey with Christ. It is not intended that there be agreement with all the views presented in these books, but that we examine what the autors are saying in light of Scripture and of our own experience and let the Holy Spirit guide us to His Truth.
Christian Classics Book Club
The Christian Classics Club is intended to expose the Christ-follower to understandings and experiences of some of the great men and women of faith and to challenge us, in modern day America, to consider the possibilities of a profoundly deep possession of our lives by the Holy Spirit. Entering into one-ness with Christ was His prayer for us in John 17, but it's implications often are missed. The selections of this Classics Club are little known, or read, in contemporary Christianity but open windows through which we may glimpse the realities of such a place with Christ.
Several weeks are spent in discussion of each selection.
Dinner Book Club
The Christian Dinner Book Club meets approximately 4 times a year in a relaxed setting around the table to discuss more contemporary, but often more obscure, books on the Christian experience. The selections in the Dinner Book Club tend to focus on the richer, more abundant life available to us in Christ and are chosen not only for their quality and often stretching concepts, but because they can be more easily covered in one evening of soup and cornbread, of fellowship and discussion.
Christian Classics Book Club
This unique Book Club studies the Great Books of the Christian Era written by the deep sojourners of our faith. Be prepared for Deep Issues and Stretching Concepts; Lively Discussions and Disagreements and Challenging Encounters with the Meaning of a Life Immersed in Christ and with the Demands which that places on those who would bear a Cross and Follow Christ. Though Academically Stimulating, the Heartbeat of the Club is Spiritual. The Goal is not to Intellectually Comprehend but to Experientially Embrace the Journey and Know Christ more Intimately.
Level 1
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Discipleship Hannah Hurnard: Hind’s Feet on High Places Hannah Smith: The Christian’s Secret for a Happy Life Brother Lawrence: Practicing His Presence C.S.Lewis: Mere Christianity Watchman Nee: Release of the Spirit
Level 2
Jeanne Guyon: Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ Thomas A’Kempis: Imitation of Christ William Law: Freedom From a Self-Centered Life St. Teresa of Avilla: Interior Castles St. John of the Cross: Dark Night of the Soul
Level 3
Jeanne Guyon: Union With God William Law: Wholly for God The Cloud of Unknowing (Author Unknown) Julian of Norwich: The Revelations of Julian of Norwich
The Classics Club meets intermittently as there is interest.
Dinner Book Club
We invite you to an evening of discussion and fellowship around the table with simple food for the body (soup and bread and dessert) and rich food for the soul. Selections for this club are generally made from more contemporary but lesser known books that emphasize the abundant life available to followers of Christ and offer a presentation of ideas that challenges how we see ourselves and God and confronts our complacency in how we live out our life in Christ.
Previous Selections
Windows of the Soul by Ken Gire
A Persuaded Heart (previously titled Ms Means Myself) by Gladys Hunt
Gift of the Redbird by Paula D'Arcy
The Way of the Heart by Henri Nouwen
The Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen
The Biography of Hannah Whitall Smith by Marie Henry