Prayer Seminar: Standing in the Gap - Lake Pointe Church (2003?)
"The whole seminar was wonderful!!!” “I’m so blessed to have been here--and hear practical steps to prepare myself better for communicating with God without distractions and to be silent!”
“...wonderful!....A terrific, sound, scriptural basis on the power and comforting promises of prayer..."
“It was excellent. I loved Brenda’s turn of sentence and her examples.”
“Very comprehensive....Extremely helpful....Answered some unanswered questions....refreshed my desires....More time for notes....”
“....not enough time....”
“....My first time to study under Brenda. What a wonderful leader!” “Thank you, Brenda, for sharing your love of God with me!”
“I love you, Brenda!”
“...too short....”
“I’m so glad I didn’t miss it.”
“Please keep these coming....”
“Praise God for you, Brenda.”
What did you get out of this seminar?
“How important it is to be able to stand in the gap for others. To stand firm.”
“A deep understanding of prayer....I got far more than I ever dreamed possible.”
What were its Strengths?
“Scriptural Base!” “Very Comprehensive.”
“Brenda’s knowledge of the Word to back up her lessons.”
“Truthes from God’s Word.”
“Teaching the hearing of His voice.”
“The awesome knowledge of Brenda. God has truly blessed me through her.”
“Taking the time to experience prayer.”
“Excellent preparation and Content.”
“The sincerity of the speaker and the way she showed how all of this is in God’s Word.”
“Bible references given; Depth of Brenda’s knowledge.”
“I want to be a more powerful prayer warrior.”
“The content--Brenda’s knowledge and ability to explain.”
“Understanding how to approach God in prayer.”
“Brenda Cox---her teaching is super.”