"If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks of you, you would have asked of Him and He would have given you living water that you might drink.” John 4:10
A very long time ago God began a gracious walk with me in which He insisted on quenching the thirst of my deepest self. Slowly, he began to paint a picture on my heart of a ministry that would speak his gift to the needs of his people. Christ’s desire was that the woman at the well know the gift of God; that all who thirst would know this gift. All that arises from Dayspring is intended that we know the gift of God. Though God brushed my heart with His vision, it cannot exist without you. If you believe Dayspring plays a role in God’s plan, would you seek His guidance regarding your support for us? You have been wonderfully faithful in your support of this work, and I would ask that you continue to seek the Lord afresh about the nature of your support.
The gift of God comes to me in many ways. One is through the generous hearts of those who have given to this ministry through prayer, financial support and personal interest and involvement. Thank you that I can experience the gift and see Him more clearly through your loving and faithful arms.